Olivia - You Got The Damn Thing (I Like) (Remix) (12'')
Olivia - You Got The Damn Thing (I Like) (Remix) (12'')
【Media】Vinyl 12'' Single (Promo)
【Condition】A- (薄いスリキズ)
【Jacket】White Plain Sleeve
Sold Outのため再掲載。(ジャケ写真はこの盤から撮り直してあります。)
US Original Press.
US Promo Only !!
Guy『I Like』を大胆に引用した正当派R&B。
Promo Onlyの為、なかなか見かけませんので是非この機会に!
(Side A)
01. You Got The Damn Thing (I Like) (The Remix) (Vocal)
(試聴) http://fatmanrecords.sakura.ne.jp/mike/olivialike3.mp3
(YouTube) https://youtu.be/qnzPm6-6aDg
02. You Got The Damn Thing (I Like) (The Remix) (Instrumental)
(Side B)
01. You Got The Damn Thing (I Like) (The Remix) (Vocal)
02. You Got The Damn Thing (I Like) (The Remix) (Instrumental)
Olivia - You Got The Damn Thing (I Like) (Remix) (12'')